September 10, 2024

Overcoming the problem of fake products

At present, many products in the market can be fake. One may find it difficult to sort the problem related to the identification of a worthy product, in such a situation the product authentication solutions are very much required to overcome these issues. This is very much in need in the present scenario where the industries are turning to be inevitable in every sector. When it is hard to choose between the fake product and the real me product it could be hard on the part of the quality, trust associated with the brand, and the revenue that is fetched by the product.

Requirement of the authentication solutions:

  • The studies have proved that fake agricultural products make up about nearly five to ten percent of the product that arrives in the market. This would harm the hard-working farmer who works like the beast of burden to deliver quality products. on the other end, the consumer who may be affected by the fake or the counterfeited goods related to agricultural brands will adversely affect their trust and also reliability which has taken the countless number of days of own it.
  • If it is not sorted in the right way it may damage the health and environment and also arise a relevant complicated issue. In such a case the smartphone with advanced technology can help to trace and tackle at various levels of the supply.

Related to automobile parts- this industry is severely hit hard by the effect of a counterfeit product as the fake automotive parts are relatively lesser in price compared to the genuine or high-quality parts there are pushed at a greater speed compared to the original parts of those related to hereby is a greater significate of authentication solution for the product.

Related to pharma and nutraceuticals-this could be risking one’s life if the fake products are consumed. Authentication of products helps to solve this unethical issue.

Related to the fashion and luxury products:

The fashion and luxury production industry is facing the treats in the virtual and real worlds. Garments, jewelry, watches, and other product are available in large numbers very easily. The digital analyzer is in greater need in such a situation.

Uses of authentication solutions:

It is user-friendly and flexible to be used by the consumers and is available on different platforms like SMS, WhatsApp, Android, and also at IOS apart from the additional plugging to the web.


The product authentication solution helps sort the problem related to tracing the fake products and thereby eliminate the suspicious activities.